Archiv des Autors: Wey


Über Wey

My name's Wey-Han Tan, I graduated 2007 as Diplompädagoge (educational scientist) in Hamburg, and 2009 as M.A. in ePedagogy Design. Currently I work at the project "Universitätskolleg" as scientific assistant at the Faculty for Educational Sciences, Psychology and Human Movement at the University of Hamburg. My research interests are game based learning, second order gaming, media theory and (radical) constructivist approaches. I like pen-and-paper-roleplaying, especially in contemporary horror settings like "KULT" or "Call of Cthulhu".

Zur Einleitung (2)

Drei Möglichkeiten, sich auf die Suche nach Wissen zu begeben. Ein altes kabbalistisches Rätsel (transliteriert): “A young student once asked a renowned teacher about the nature of knowledge. The teacher drew a circle in the sand and explained: Within this … Weiterlesen

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“There is a well known saying among designers in the educational games business: ‘If you want to take all of the fun out of it, get a bunch of educators involved.’” – Kurt Squire, „Game Based Learning“, p.36 Willkommen im … Weiterlesen

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